Light ROM 1
LIGHT-ROM 1 (Amiga Library Services)(1994).iso
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Text File
245 lines
Release 1.0 - 01 August 1993
Written by Rainer Scharnow
Copyright (c) 1993 by Rainer Scharnow
0. Introduction
MultiRequestChoice is a requester utility for the C: directory.
It has been designed as a powerful and comfortable replacement
for ASK and other present requester utilities. It is very useful
for both batch files and ARexx scripts. Here are the advantages
of MultiRequestChoice:
- It is very simple to build requesters from one up to
your personally wished number of response gadgets
- It uses the fabulous reqtools.library (c) by Nico
François, therefore all features has been very easy
to realize and are contained in relative small code
- The body text of the requester may consist of more
than one line by using a newline character
- The body text of the requester may be optionally
left oriented or centred
- The requester may appear on every public screen via
- The position of the requester on the desired screen
may be controlled optionally
1. Requirements
MultiRequestChoice doesn't run under OS 1.x; all people using
these old versions should think the system upgrade over. Besides
there must be the reqtools.library V38+ in the libs: directory.
It should run on all Amigas with all 680x0 processors (I did
not need special hardware-near tricks to pop up a requester :-)).
2. Usage
MultiRequestChoice is a CLI-only program. Developed as a batch
and ARexx supporting utility it's a little bit senseless to run it
from the Workbench. I think, you've already guessed it ;-). Ok,
here is the usage of MultiRequestChoice:
MultiRequestChoice <Reqtitle> <Bodytext> <Gad1|Gad2|...|Gadx>
[PUB|PUBSCREEN <Pubscreenname>]
MultiRequestChoice won't become active if you pass less than
three parameters. In that case it will print out the usage once
again. The three necessary parameters will be:
- Reqtitle -
the title of the requester
- Bodytext -
the text contained in the requester body in order to
inform the user about the situation. A special feature
is the possibility to use the C like format string
'\n' in the text. This allows you to split the text
into several lines - it is a newline option. If you
want to print out a single '\' in your bodytext you
must simply pass '\\'. But see the examples...
- Gad1|Gad2|...|Gadx -
the gadget(s) parameter. In the requester may appear
from one up to ... gadgets as already mentioned. The
gadget names are separated by a '|'. That tells the
requester simultaneously how many gadgets the user
wishes. Besides a keyboard shortcut response is
supported. A '_' inserted before the provided hotkey
character in the gadget string will allow you keyboard
action. But see the examples...
In 99% of all cases some space characters are situated in the
strings. You can solve the problem if you quote the parameters
with the '"' character. But this is clear, I think...
Finally, there are some useful options making the user's life
- It doesn't matter if you write PUB or PUBSCREEN;
the meaning is the same. This option requires an
argument - of course the name of the PublicScreen
the requester should appear on. If there isn't a
PublicScreen of this name the requester pops up
on the Workbench so if you would not handle this
- It is CENTRETEXT's turn to centre the text in the
requester body. It is only useful if there is
multi-line-text to process because one-line-text
will always be centred in the body. Default is:
left oriented text
decides where on the screen the requester will
appear. Default is: MOUSECENTRE. I think each part
of the option will explain itself by its name. If
not clear - see the examples...
3. Return codes
All the work would be for nothing if there weren't return codes
produced by clicking the response gadgets. Well, the result will
go to the system's $RC environment variable or if you use ARexx to
the ARexx RC variable. Following rules exist:
In the case of more than one gadget the rightmost is (according
to Commodore's specification) the one of the most negative
response and clicking this will always give back '0'. In the case
of an one and only gadget the requester has only the function of
informing the user about something, and a return value has got no
The leftmost gadget will always give back '1', the next (which
should not be the last in this example) will return '2', the third
'3' and so on. Simple, isn't it?
Finally, if MultiRequestChoice couldn't find a system resource
(such as the reqtools.library) it will give back '200'.
4. Examples
Why should I do the work twice? There are in this directory two
demos: MRCDemo.bat and MRCDemo.rexx. Almost all the possible
effects of the requester are offered you in these demos. Demos
explain more than words! First you have to change to
MultiRequestChoice's directory. If you want to run MRCDemo.bat
type 'execute MRCDemo.bat' or type 'rx MRCDemo.rexx' if you want
to start the ARexx demo.
See the "code" ;-) of the demos. Both are not commented because
they are really simple and self-explaining.
5. Copyright
Copyright (c) 1993 by Rainer Scharnow
I, Rainer Scharnow, give my permission to make and distribute
verbatim copies of this manual. All the copyright notices and this
permission must be part of these copies.
There is no guarantee that the program(s) described here in
this manual works 100% ok. You will use this/these program(s) at
your own risk. If any damages occur in connection with this/these
program(s) the author can't be made responsible or liable for it.
This package is freely distributable, but copyright by Rainer
Scharnow. You may copy and use this package as long and much as
you want if a copy fee including disk price of DM 5,- or
(referring to mail-order abroad) US$ 6,- is not exceeded.
Exception: laser disks, CD ROM.
It is permissed explicitly to include this package into public
domain series, f.i. Fish-Library, and to upload it to BBS and FTP
servers. All the files counted out in the Contents section must
be contained.
No program of this package may be part of a commercial
software without the permission of Rainer Scharnow. Further it is
absolutely disallowed to use the program for military purposes of
any kind.
6. Contents
In a directory the following files must be situated:
7. Thanks and Greetings
Special thanks must go to:
- Matthew Dillon, the author of the great DICE compiler
which the program was compiled by
- Stefan Becker, the german distributor of DICE. I got
DICE one week after sending an EMail to order the
compiler. Besides: I use the ToolManager - nothing
to say, only to click :-)
- Nico François, the author of the PowerPacker and
the wonderful ReqTools collection. With ReqTools it is
a child's play to write such a program :-)
- Martin Taillefer/Oxxi for writing TurboText, one of
the best editors I've ever seen (I hope the friends
of vi or stevie don't become indignant ;-))
8. Bugs
I hope there aren't any bugs in the program. But if you found
any send me a message. Informations about improvements I should
make are welcome, too.
Rainer Scharnow
Linderhofstr. 70
12623 Berlin
EMail: scharnow@informatik.tfh-berlin.d400.de